

Where we live

We all live on the surface of a planet orbiting the Sun. All that we do amounts to moving stuff and energy around the surface, or close to the surface of this planet. The planet Earth doesn't belong to us and the Sun doesn't belong to us either. The only reason that we can survive here is because of the energy which was generated by nuclear fusion in the Sun. This energy travels to Earth, warming it, allowing plants to grow and to generate oxygen for us to breath, giving us food to eat and allowing us to do everything that we do. Without the Sun we would have no energy and we would not live. The Sun is life for us. Even the fossil fuels which we burn contain the energy from yesterday's sunlight. Only nuclear energy is different, like our own little sun. Even then we create a tiny amount of the energy which the Sun gives us free every day without asking for anything in return. What could make more sense than worshipping and giving thanks for this free energy which makes our lives possible and which sustains us every day of our lives?