
Feel the fire in your belly


Some claim that humans have an inherent sense of spirituality, a religious sense or a need to believe in a higher power. This spirituality is expresses in many forms of which Sunworshipping is only one possibility. If it works for you and nobody gets hurt, then it's ok by us. Mind, body and spirit are not supernatural things. They are real things, in our physical universe. There are no supernatural gods. There is only our reality; however our reality is more complicated and difficult to understand than many reductionist scientists wish to accept into their world views. Mind, body and spirit are not separate. We use three words to try to rationalise something that we are unable to rationalise. When we feel pain, we believe that we feel it where a hammer hit the thumb. But pain in also felt in the brain. Mind is body and brain and the pain comes out as anger in our spirit. Our bodies do not make a clear distinction between these things and we think like this because of our culture, influenced by age old philosophers.